Kaz Mountains

Mount Ida (Kaz Dağları)

Kaz Dağları: Located in the north of the Gulf of Edremit and renowned for its diversity of flora and fauna, Kaz Dağları (Kaz Mountains or Mount Ida) is mentioned in a variety of legends.

Bordering Balikesir and
Canakkale province and sheltering many ancient sites, Kaz Dağlari has maintained its importance from the ancient times to the present.   

Also known as Mount Ida, the mountain is mentioned in Greek myths as the site where the Gods followed the Trojan War and the place where Paris chose the winner of the beauty contest among the Goddesses. Indeed, the mountain is the site where Paris awarded Aphrodite the golden apple.  

Reaching 1774 meters in height, Kaz Mountains is constituted of several mountain peaks and plateaus.

Located by the sea in front of lush green forests, this oxygen laden area welcomes visitors any time of the year. 


One of the most beautiful spots by the Gulf of Edremit, Kaz Dağlari invites you to enjoy the unique nature and tranquil corners of the region any time of the year.
Kaz Dağları, with its history dating back to 2000 BC, is mentioned in Homers Iliad as the “many-fountained Ida, mother of the wild beasts.”
While visiting these fairytale like mountains you will meet many locals who can tell you the myths of Truva or Sarıkız.
Karataş Hill, nestled at an altitude of 1774 meters, is the highest peak of the mountain range. Comprised of a magnificent variety of flora and fauna, the hill is at the same time a national park.
Abounding in water resources everywhere, the region is the crossroads where the mountain breeze meets the iodized and oxygen-laden sea breeze and forms an oxygen- laden area called Altınoluk Şahinderesi. The area is of great significance in this respect, as it is one of the three most oxygen-laden natural areas around the globe.
Şahin Castle is another must-see place of the region. The castle is in close proximity to the onset of Sahin Dere Canyon located on a hill bearing the same name. You can take a look at the majestic view of the natural landscape or take a walk in the region.
Kaz Avlusu , covering an area of 1 km in diameter and located between Karataş Hill and Türkmen Plateau is a flat area that looks like it is surrounded with collapsed walls. Mentioned in various legends, this area was formed by glaciers billions of years ago.
The Sarıkız Hill is home to a memorial made by the villagers and dedicated to Sarıkız (Golden Girl). The area draws a high number of visitors particularly in August. While there you will see guests writing in the memorial book to express their wishes and searching for ladybugs under small stones.  It is believed that the finder’s wish comes true if he/she finds a ladybug. The finder is supposed to take the stone but bring its back once the wish has come true.
Wouldn’t you like to visit Kaz Dağları, the gateway to myths and nature?


In addition to an oxygen–laden nature Kaz Dağlari offers a series of festivals through the entire year.
The Kazdağı Plateau Festival offers a numerous samples of the local cuisine and a colorful program packed with activities and events.
The traditional Sarıkız Turkmen Festival has been held for more than 600 years and lasts for a week offering numerous activities.
Do not miss the chance to vacation at Kaz Dağları where you can combine cultural pursuits with adventure in nature.

How can I get there?

Situated between Balikesir and Canakkale province, Kaz Dağları is accessible by road as there is no airport in the district.
The region may be accessed by taking a bus to Balıkesir province as Kaz Dağları is near to the city center of this province.  Once you have arrived at the Balıkesir bus terminal, you can make use of the shuttle services and public buses or hire a private car to get to your destination.
Wouldn’t you like to take the opportunity to visit this legendary mountain range?

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