Archive for the 'Kayseri' Category

Aksaray (Karsaura)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

The city of Aksaray is located to the north of Hasan Mountain and to the southeast of the Salt Lake. It is right on the intersection of the Kayseri – Konya and Ankara – Adana main roads. The first known name of the city is Garsaura. During the reign of Arkhaleos, the Persian King of […]

Winter Holidays

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Turkey is an important center of winter tourism with its snow-capped mountains, a summer-winter and luxury resorts in these mountains, which are well established. Transportation can be provided by two private visits are available to resorts, private tour operators and car are made of skis. The trails are on the ski areas and ski lifts […]

Museums in Turkey

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Turkey, which honors the many civilizations, has a value of museums and ruins. Do not forget that the Hittites, movement, Urartians in Anatolia and lived the principles and applications made under the Hellenistic civilization western Anatolia. Turkey is the country where the Byzantines, the legacy of this culture. Finally, Turkey, the rule about the millennium […]