Cnide Datca Peninsula Aegean Sea

Archaic Cnide had been located in ending points of Golgeli Mountains, at the tip point of Datca Peninsula where Mediterranean Sea seperating from Aegean Sea.

As a result of acheological excavations that have been started in XIX. Century B.C , many very important finds have been brought to light such as Demeter sculpture. Then, significant information about the history of Cnide Archaic settlement have been availed by the assitance of that information.

Considerable part of Archaic Cnide under the water of Aegean Sea. Having formed one of the most important trade port between Aegean Sea and Mediterranean Sea, the city has been known with its wine and become more famous for its wine and wood export.

Cnide called as Kindada before its recent name had been set by Karias in 3000’s B.C., it had been transformed into an important settlement of Karia afterwards it has been called as Cnide after 2000’s B.C.  The city had been taken under p Persians in V. Century B.C. and it has never been destroyed because  of maybe  its beauty or It existence  as  an important trade  center. Aften Persians, Makedonians, Rhodes people, Romans and Byzantines have captured the city, then it has been attacked by Arabic raiders.

Cnide   had   collapsed   because of an effective earthquake occured in IX. Century   A.C., it had completely been left in the time of Ottomans, then the people who had left from there settled a civilisation which is called as Datca, today.

The Demeter sculpture known worldwide had been kidnapped Aphrodit sculptures and many other works are exhibited in the collections of big museums such as British Museum, Louvre etc. Aphrodit Temple remained from Archaic Age until today, and Hellenistic time ramparts are the places have to be visited.

One Response to “Cnide Datca Peninsula Aegean Sea”

  1. Çeşme Cyssu Erythrai Ildırı Alacati Kalemburnu Ilica Şifne Says:

    […] the sunshine of the Aegean Sea, an ancient southern town that has preserved its natural beauty as on its first […]

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