Canakkale Gallipoli
- Canakkale Gallipoli
- Canakkale Gallipoli
- Canakkale Gallipoli
Canakkale city settlement has been located in just the opposite of Gallipoli Peninsula on Asian side of Canakkale strait which seperates Marmara Sea from Aegean Sea. Because of this narrow structure, Canakkale Strait has always strategical importance in history in controlling the entrances of Marmara Sea. Neverthless, because of this strategical position, one of the most bloody and big battlefield of I. World War had occured here in years between 1914 and 1918. In 1915, there had been propagated Russian – German Emperorship war. Then, Russians had asked for military support from France and England. So, the navies that these two country sent come to in front of Canakkale Strait on 19 February 1915 and they had started to bomb two important places Settulbahir and Kumkale regoins. This event had led Turkish people into a great struggle. This enormous enemy navies had been defeated by the unbelievable resistences of Turkish soldiers and they have driven back as a result of an heroically continuous struggle in 18 May 1915. However, enemy navies had extricated soldiers to Gallipoli Peninsula. The Turkish Army by the leadership of Mustafa Kemal had obtained victories in Conkbayin, Anafartalar and Anburnu. So the destiny of the war had completely been changed. In 9 January 1916, the looser English and French navies had left fro Canakkale, then system of government had collapsed in England. In this battlefield, 253.000 Turkish soldiers had died from 700.000 participant soldiers. And 210.000 English – French soldier had died from 410.000 English and 79.000 French parlicipants.
At the end of the war, Mustafa Kemal had declared a message to the mothers of foreign soldiers who died in Canakkale: In Archaic ages, Canakkale had been known as Hellespont and it also had been called as “Dardanel” because of the well known King Dardanos who had been among the legendary founders at Troya. Since the shape of the fortress of here looks like a bowl Turkish people calls it as “Canakkale” (BowlFortress), constructed by the commands of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. The findings that have been brought to light in excavations carried out in Canakkale and tumulus tomb of King Dardanos are exhibited today in Canakkale Museum. In the second museum included in this city, there are exhibited many documents and objects related with Canakkale battlefield.
October 8th, 2015 at 12:53 pm
[…] car ferries leaving from Çanakkale to Gökçeada. The Kabataş harbor positioned on the road to Gelibolu(Gallipoli) Peninsula offers the most frequent passages to the island. Are you ready to get acquainted with […]
October 18th, 2015 at 11:12 am
[…] Gelibolu Peninsula Historical National Park was established to honor the 500,000 soldiers who gave their lives on Gelibolu, also known as Gallipoli. In 1915, Mustafa Kemal, commander of the Turkish army, led a successful campaign to drive out allied powers from the area. The park includes memorials, monuments, cemeteries amid the natural beauty of the Ariburnu Cliffs and Tuz Golu (Salt Lake). The beauty of the green hills, sandy beaches and blue waters provides an honorable resting place for the soldiers, who bravely fought and died in the historic battle. You cannot help but sense the heart of the Turkish nation in the patriotic spirit of the place. […]