Winter Holidays

Turkey is an important center of winter tourism with its snow-capped mountains, a summer-winter and luxury resorts in these mountains, which are well established. Transportation can be provided by two private visits are available to resorts, private tour operators and car are made of skis. The trails are on the ski areas and ski lifts and cable cars on these roads usually managed by existing hotels. The cities where the center are the main winter sports: Uludag (Bursa), Palandoken (Erzurum), Erciyes (Kayseri), Ilgaz (Kastamonu / Çankırı), windsurfing (Bolu), Davraz (Isparta) Zigana (Gumushane), Ahmed, Akseki ( Antalya), Kartepe (Izmit). Turkey is also attractive and interesting points for the rise: Agri Mountain (Agri), mountains (Antalya), Erciyes Mountain (Kayseri), Mountains Bolkar (Myrtle), Aladaglar (Nigde) Kackar mountain ranges (Rize), Mountains Munzur (Tunceli), Suphan Berg (Van)

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