Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque-1

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque

The magnificent Suleymaniye Mosque has been located on one of the hills which is one of the seven hills of Europe side. It had been constructed by the architect Mi mar Sinan by the commands of Kanuni Sultan Suleyman in the years between 1550 -1557. This mosque has 4 minarets and has 10 §erefe (balcony muezzin minaret) and this number of “ten” refers to i hat Kanuni Sultan Suleyman is the tenth Emperor of the Ottomans. The biggest dome has an altitude of 53 m and it raises up on four columns called as elephant feet. In addition to that, there are many big and small columns in the mosque. The mosque has 138 windows totally and most of them have been embellished with excellent vitrays (stained glasses).
The mystical appearance that is caused by the sun lights entering from the windows is imposibble to tell with the words here.
Kanuni Sultan Suleyman had been born in 1495 and died in 1560. The tombs of him and his beautiful wife Roxalene who had been a citizen of Russia, have been located in the back garden of the mosque. The tombs of Mihrimah Sultan the daughter of Kanuni Sultan Suleyman, the tomb of I. Suleyman and the tomb of Prince II. Ahmet have been located in the same garden.

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