- Ankara
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Although there are so much information about the foundation of Ankara the capital city of Turkey, archeological excavations have shown that there had been a prehistorical settlement on Ulus and Kale districts. The city had been called as Ankira, Kankira, Engüru, Angora, Angara for ages. Then it has finally taken its recent name ‘Ankara’. During the excavations of the city there have been brought to light many traces belong to Hittites, Frigyans, Romans, the Byzantines and Hatties (Bronze Age) who had constituted the first united society of Anatolia. At researches accomplished at Gavurkale, it has beeen found that Hittities had been settled mostly in Ankara when they had come to Anatolia. At the excavations carried out in Golbaşi district which is a small town of Ankara, very important findings belong to Hittites and Frigyas have been brought to light. Especially, so much information has been obtained from a necropolis containing rich grave goods. Very important Hittite remnants dated to 1700 – 110 B.C have been brought to light in excavations carried out on settlements such as Karaoglan, Asarcik, Polath, Bitik, Karahoyuk, Yassihoytik, all of which are included in frontiers of Ankara provision. Especially, in Gavurkale at Haymana region mentioned above a stele have been found and so many information has been obtained about the Hittites had lived there.
According to the great historian Heredot, Frigyans originated from Makedonia had taken Kultepe, Bogazkoy, Alacahoyuk and Hattusas. Afterwards the Hittite Empire had been abolished, the Frigyans had turned Ankara into their major settlement area.
The biggest tumulus of Anatolia which had been constructed for the famous Frigya King Midas in 300 meter height on Gordion (today’s Polath) which had been the capital city of Frigya Kingdom, once upon a time.
In 275 B.C., Galats coming from Balkans had settled on Kazan area remaining between Kizihrmak ans Sakarya rivers. Then, tribe of them Tosogs had moved tp Ankara Region. Today’s Ankara fortress is building that have remained from the period of Galats. In 25 B.C. , in the period of Emperor Augustos, Ankara had become an important Roman metropol, sinceRomans had lost their authority in following ages, it had taken under control by the Byzantines in 270 A.C. After victory of Maziker battle in 1071, Seljuk Turks had penetrated into the inner parts of Middle Anatolia Region, and they had captured Angora City in 1073. After a short time, the city had been taken under control by Emir Gazi the Sir of Danishments. Afterwards, Orhan Gazi the Ottoman Prince had occupied the city and finally I. Murat the Ottoman Prince had added the city into the frontiers of Ottoman Empire. On 28 July 1402, on Cubuk region at near Ankara; there had been a battle field between navy of Mogol Khan Timur and Yildinm Beyazit the Ottoman Prince. At the end of the battle, Ottomans had been defeated and the Ottoman Prince Beyazit and his sons Musa and Mustafa had been taken into prisoner and they had been sent to Ankara Forttress. After a short time from this battle, Mogol Khan Timur and his navy had left fro Ankara, therefore the authority of the city had again passed to the Ottomans. In 1403, Mehmet Celebi the son of Yıldırım Beyazit had declared the power of his authority himself. Then other son Isa Celebi and Stileymen Celebi had declared their authorities sequentially. However, after a silent period, the city had again been passed to the hands of the Ottoman Empire and it had been the center of the area comprising Kirsehir, Corum and Yozgat provinces in Middle Anatolia. Today, Ankara is famous for Ankara goat. Its silky and soft cotton have being transported to Europe and to other countries of the world since XVI. Century A.C.
In 1920, the Ottoman Empire had fallen down. Then Ankara have become the capital city of new Turkey; namely of Turkish Rebuplic.
October 9th, 2015 at 12:12 pm
[…] in the capital of Turkey, Ankara, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations was awarded the European Museum of the Year in 1997. […]